President Biden celebrated a new labor agreement between United Auto Workers union (UAW) and Daimler on Sunday, as the union ...
President Biden celebrated a new labor agreement between United Auto Workers union (UAW) and Daimler on Sunday, as the union continues a streak of victories in hopes of expanding in the South.
President Biden praised a new agreement between the United Auto Workers (UAW) union and Daimler on Sunday. The agreement ...
美國汽車工人聯合會會(UAW)成員4日批准與戴姆勒卡車(Daimler Truck)的新勞資協議,內容包括未來四年至少調薪25%。高達94.5%的成員投票贊成新合約。雙方4月底時達成臨時協議,從而避免一場可能有超過7,300名工人參與的罷工危機。
美國汽車工人工會(UAW)成員4日批准與戴姆勒卡車(Daimler Truck)的新勞資協議,內容包括未來四年至少調薪25%。高達94.5%的成員投票贊成新合約。雙方4月底時達成臨時協議,從而避免一場可能有超過7,300名工人參與的罷工危機。
President Joe Biden is celebrating the United Auto Workers and Daimler Truck for reaching a tentative agreement to avoid a ...
DETROIT (Reuters) - The United Auto Workers' new labor contract with truck and bus maker Daimler Truck is likely to energize workers ahead of the union's next target in the U.S. South - organizing a ...
Nearly 95% of eligible United Auto Workers members employed at Daimler Trucks North America units approved Saturday a new ...
With the previous six-year contract set to expire at midnight on Friday, April 26, UAW President Shawn Fain announced the four-year agreement in a direct address to membership, saying the deal ...